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INSTITUTE 9 letter word which starts with the letter I and ends with the letter E
(p. a.) Established; organized; founded. |
(v. t.) To set up; to establish; to ordain; as to institute laws rules etc. |
(v. t.) To originate and establish; to found; to organize; as to institute a court or a society. |
(v. t.) To nominate; to appoint. |
(v. t.) To begin; to commence; to set on foot; as to institute an inquiry; to institute a suit. |
(v. t.) To ground or establish in principles and rudiments; to educate; to instruct. |
(v. t.) To invest with the spiritual charge of a benefice or the care of souls. |
(a.) The act of instituting; institution. |
(a.) That which is instituted established or fixed as a law habit or custom. |
(a.) Hence: An elementary and necessary principle; a precept maxim or rule recognized as established and authoritative; usually in the plural a collection of such principles and precepts; esp. a comprehensive summary of legal principles and decisions; as the Institutes of Justinian; Coke's Institutes of the Laws of England. Cf. Digest n. |
(n.) An institution; a society established for the promotion of learning art science etc.; a college; as the Institute of Technology; also a building owned or occupied by such an institute; as the Cooper Institute. |
(n.) The person to whom an estate is first given by destination or limitation. |
The word INSTITUTE is a 9 letter word that contains 3 syllables .
The syllable division for the word INSTITUTE is IN-STI-TUTE
Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word INSTITUTE.