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BEST 4 letter word which starts with the letter B and ends with the letter T
(a.) Having good qualities in the highest degree; most good kind desirable suitable etc.; most excellent; as the best man; the best road; the best cloth; the best abilities. |
(a.) Most advanced; most correct or complete; as the best scholar; the best view of a subject. |
(a.) Most; largest; as the best part of a week. |
(n.) Utmost; highest endeavor or state; most nearly perfect thing or being or action; as to do one's best; to the best of our ability. |
(superl.) In the highest degree; beyond all others. |
(superl.) To the most advantage; with the most success case profit benefit or propriety. |
(superl.) Most intimately; most thoroughly or correctly; as what is expedient is best known to himself. |
(v. t.) To get the better of. |
The word BEST is a 4 letter word that contains 1 syllable .
The syllable division for the word BEST is BEST
Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word BEST.